
Greetings all. Have posted on stock message boards for many years. Wrote for Israelinvestor.com for a while, when that was a going concern. This blog is my experiment in another direction. Will be interesting to see how it evolves, if at all.

The focus is SanDisk. The perspective is that of a long-time msystems shareholder who was happy to see his shares of FLSH rolled into SNDK on 30 July 2006.

My goal is to slow things down. Instead of trying to be faster in reacting to every bit of latest news, am more interested in the context in which news happens. Context moves much more slowly and offers insights every bit as relevant.

Hopefully posts will be able to build on one another. Typical media has a very short shelf-life. Coverage doesn’t necessarily assume any background or understanding of story line. Start at zero, make a couple of points then dash off. Then with the next newsworthy event, repeat. Over and over and over.

Curiously this process closely resembles a media variant of attention deficit disorder.

Conceptually, believe this blog experiment is related to the idea of “Long Tail.” Back in October 2004 Chris Anderson laid out the future of entertainment as millions of niche markets at the shallow end of the bitstream.

Substitute “niche info pockets” for “niche entertainment markets” and here we are.

SNDK is a volatile stock potentially wonderfully positioned as a major player in solid state digital storage. Volatility though, drives many folks crazy. The seeming madness may offer opportunities to those who can live with the mood swings. See SNDK as such a stock.

Was most fortunate in my late 1997 msystems’ investment. Solid state storage was out of favor, considered by many to be a non-event or basically irrelevant. FLSH was trading in the very low single digits, split/ SNDK-conversion adjusted.

Noticed msystems thanks to Shlomi Cohen’s Globes’ articles. Shlomi is always worth listening to. A smart, connected guy who calls them like he sees them.

Find that writing about the SNDK story helps me focus. Have enough riding on this, that it’s worth the effort. Also find entertainment value in dropping stones in the internet pond and watching the ripples.

Figure that those of you wandering though here are informed adults. Personally trade around a core position, but to each their own.

My plan is to post an in-depth blog entry once a week ± as time allows. It will probably show up on Sundays given how my life works.

Best Regards,

11 Responses to About

  1. ram yariv says:

    Found your take on sandisk very helpfull, keep it on

  2. Ex. says:

    Great site – keep it updated.
    The Tower connection is going to be fascinating as so many analysts fail to see reality.

  3. mordecaim says:

    I know naught about technology; ditto re commerce. But I discern sanity, wisdom and civility with a certain expertise. Long ago, Cencomco changed my economic life. You have my deepest thanks for your generosity in this endeavor.

  4. Tommo_UK says:

    I’d be interested to hear your take on the latest earnings report and the disastrous 15% drop which ensued the next day from what was a blow-out quarter and decent guidance.

  5. savolainen says:

    Hi Tommo,

    My plan is to post a selection of analyst excerpts tomorrow along with my thoughts.


  6. jim dunn says:


    looks like take tv has hit engadget.com……….buy.com let it out. how can they not meet demand?

  7. Morgan Bucks says:

    Great Work!

  8. Jack Amir says:

    This company was acquired by m-systems en 2006 for MegaSIM project and now SanDisk has sell it.

  9. Tech Insidr says:

    Hi Savo,

    Any interest in possibly making a guest post on Techinsidr.com about NAND and Sandisk?

    I’m a former Financial Analyst at Intel and I now run an investing blog focused on Tech stocks. I would love to learn more about the NAND space. Send me a note or shoot me an email if you’re interested.


    Tech Insidr

  10. joncon63 says:


    Your posts over the last several years have proven to be very informative, and much appreciated.

    Here’s a suggestion in the FWIW category: You may want to update the artwork of your header.

  11. nieuwenj says:

    Hello Savo,

    hope all is well for you.

    Just wanted to tell you that we ( the FLSH/SNDK community) miss you and your posts.



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